Who's the worst member of the government?

If the whole country can see this, why can't Cowen? To leave her in charge of Enterprise, Trade & Employment when its probably never been a more important and crucial economic Department is irresponsible in the extreme.

Politics in Ireland in particular is not about what's best for the country, it's all about vested interests and party interests.
Coughlan is part of the Cowen clique; she supported him when he went for the leadership. It would be unthinkable to drop her, regardless of how bad she is, it would undermine the status quo completely. There would then be no point in sticking with your clique though thick and thin if you could be discarded for something simple like incompetence.
Coughlan will stay, as will the other Cowenites. The ones likely to be sacrificed to appease the mob will be some of the remnants of the Bertie bunch.
certainly Roche and Cullen are the hardest to stomach
Agreed, but for very different reasons. What ever you say about Dick, he is no fool. Which brings us to Martin Cullen. At the time of the eVoting debacle, a friend of mine planned to buy the domain gob****e.com, and just post a picture of Martin on the home page, with no further comment necessary.

One of the radio shows had a vox pop from the Ard Fheis last week, where one FF member made the point that Cowen, Lenihan and Coughlan were all TD's children, and had no idea what the real world was like.
i think david Begg is the worst member of government followed closely by turlough o sullivan
Yes, you are right. He's more intelligent than most of them but, like many rich socialists, he lets his desire to resurrect the bankrupt ideals of collectivism over-rule what he knows to be true.
The SSIA scheme that McCreevey introduced was talked about as a good move at the time to stop the economy from 'overheating'. In hindsight, maybe it was just another example of the governement throwing money at a problem.
Does anyone know what the total cost to the taxpayer was for this scheme?

It doesn't matter because it isn't an ongoing cost and was paid for out of a budget surplus so in effect it was like a tax rebate. (albeit a very generous one!!).
Mary Coughlan. Having heard her this evening defending the 3000 pay rise due to TDs (who are already vastly overpaid IMHO), it really convinces me that TDs and Ministers are completely out of touch with reality-all the while encouraging the rest of us to share the pain, of course. Animal Farm springs to mind.
I also vote for Coughlan. She managed to almost destroy the whole horse industry when she was minister for agriculture with her inapptitude in controlling the swamp fever outbreak.
Has to be Martin Cullen, He's just so full of his own importance.