Who would you like to see running the country?

One year's worth of Margaret Thatcher/Michael O'Leary should sort out the unions and public sector.

True. Only problem is the public sector wage bill is already far too high, and with the power the unions have it would not be easy to reduce to realistic levels.
If he was running the country we'd all probably have medical cards and a tip top first class health system for the citizens not for vested interests. He'd get rid of all the ministers, committees, subcommittes, quangos and we probably would be able to implement legislation by email vote. We might even have one (at least) motorway if he was in power and a tram system that linked with itself. And planning laws that can not be sidelined by whether you are 'linked' to the county or what you can hand the local county councillor in a brown envelope - long live Ireland the land of the bungalow. He'd also probably convert the carpark that is a semi circle around dublin into a ring road.
Funnily enough, I'd nearly vote for Michael myself, just for the sheer schadenfreude of watching him crash and burn as he realises that he can't bully and browbeat his way through the entire country. It's probably a moot point, mind you, as I'm sure he is smart enough to stay out of politics.
Funnily enough, I'd nearly vote for Michael myself, just for the sheer schadenfreude of watching him crash and burn as he realises that he can't bully and browbeat his way through the entire country.
If he could just get the government running the country again and the not builders, civil servants and public sctor unions I'd be happy.
If he could just get the government running the country again and the not builders, civil servants and public sctor unions I'd be happy.
Hey, let's not stop there - let's make sure all those nasty old folks, all those students, all those parents concerned about the size of the kids classes and all citizens in general stop interfering and cheekily telling the Govt what they expect. That our democracy thing is such a pain.
I'm actually ejoying watching FF run the country these days.
It's great to see them stewing in their own juice for a change.
I disagree but then again I am a democrat; I want the people in charge, not unions, builders, the INO and other vested interest groups.
Socialism and democracy don’t really sit well together so I understand where you are coming from
Sorry to break the bad news, but the unions/builders/INO/other VI groups are people.

Yep, but they get one vote each, just like the rest of us...
Then they get to sit around the table of government (social(ist) partnership), lobby and back slap (builders etc at fund raisers), or hold the country to ransom (Unions (again)) by striking because they don't like the big raises they got from the supposedly independent process THAT THEY AGREED TO!
Strange - I don't recall too many unions striking in recent years? Perhaps it is the 1980's you're thinking of?
Strange - I don't recall too many unions striking in recent years? Perhaps it is the 1980's you're thinking of?
Nurses and teachers have gone on strike over the last few years. Don't you remember?
Civil servants don't have to as they get everything they want as soon as they want it.
Just for the craic - Ayatollah Khomeini.

Civil Service then will be the least of your worries.