Who would you like to see running the country?


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It has been said on more than one thread that Michael O'Leary should be running the country but to broaden it out a bit; who would posters like to see running things, who could "put things right"?
I would love to see Mr Liam Mulvihill ex. Director General of the G.A.A. take control, it'll never happen of course but I'd back him to sort things out in a calm efficient manner!!
Paul O'Connell - hit them early, hit them hard, hit them often (bankers, politicians, quangos, [add to list as appropriate])
One year's worth of Margaret Thatcher/Michael O'Leary should sort out the unions and public sector.
How about Jack Welch as the CEO of the HSE? Only he doesnt replace the 10%.

Rudolph Guiliani (NY zero tolerance) as the Minister for Justice?

Michael O'Leary in the Competition Authority or whatever it is merged into?

The CEO of Swiss Rail in charge of CIE.

Maggie Thatcher as Taoiseach.
Peter Lawell, Chief Executive of Celtic FC, since he’s been in charge club debt has dropped from 30 plus million to about 4 or 5 million while at the same time they’ve qualified for Champions League and won 3 league titles in a row. Also players salary’s have dropped as a % of club turnover

Bring back Michael McDowell – all is forgiven! The man spoke sense (generally) and stood up for what he thought was right and not what he thought was popular, standing up to overtime in the gardai and prison service at a time when the government were throwing money in all directions was a brave move which probably accelerated the end of his political career.

Larry Goodman – Dont know much about him except that he rebuilt his fortune it completely collapsed, and we need someone in government with the midas touch!
O'Leary and Hobbs sharing the job... we are f**ked anyway, they would at least be entertainment...
What is this obsession with Michael O'Leary running the country?.

Given his failings over fuel hedging, the losses his investment into Aer Lingus has made for Ryanair, poor customer service from his staff and "stealth taxes" which seem to appear from nowhere on that awful website Ryanair have, why do people think he'd be effective.? Ok, he might break the trade unions eventually, but would it be worth the winter of discontent and the mass strikes that would result?

Of course it could be worse, I heard Gerry Ryan on the radio this morning saying Mary Harney once asked him to run for the PDs
1. Batman
2. A cavan person
3. Boutras Boutras Ghali (so good they named him twice!)
It has been said on more than one thread that Michael O'Leary should be running the country but to broaden it out a bit; who would posters like to see running things, who could "put things right"?
I can't see past O'Leary, to cull the quango's, aggressively cut back the civil service, end cronyism and put the country back on the right track.

I'm so vexed following a pointless budget which will only deepen the problems. These people simply don't know what they are doing; was there any good idea in the budget, any imaginative thinking, any direction? i think not! They're scratching their heads while the economy is falling down around them and they're thinking 'eh, maybe change ATM cards to €5 and cheques to 50 cent and how about .5% on VAT, aren't we clever'; IDIOTS
If it were a car they were designing they'd have come up with this. The details of this useless budget remind me of this classic Father Ted moment.
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I can't see past O'Leary, to cull the quango's, aggressively cut back the civil service, end cronyism and put the country back on the right track.

I still think Maggie Thatcher with Jack Welch as a sidekick would do a good job in this area.