Who wants to live beside a landlord ?


Registered User
How about a thread for all those who live beside the properties owned by the typical Irish landlord and have to cope with their unpainted houses, overgrown gardens and disruptive tenants ?. I have fond memories of one who pulled up with a horse box and proceeded to unload a pile of mattresses into the house leaving a trail of straw behind him.
I don't understand your point. You mean live beside the landlord or live beside houses rented out by landlords?
I agree, landlords get away with murder in this country. They can let houses to any shower of anti social gurriers they like, then just pocket the rent and walk away leaving the neighbours to cope with the problems. We had a real problem with a rented house on our road, loud parties, cars parked all over the place etc. The landlord did nothing about it until the guards kicked the door in one night and raided the place for drugs and charged the residents . They were evicted pretty damn quick after that, but it shouldn't have been left so long.

Landlords should be liable to be fined if they have tennants causing persistent problems for the neighbours. Its far too easy for them to just sit back and do absolutely nothing.
landlords get away with murder in this country
What, all of them?

I am a tenant, been in this house for 9 years. The house is clean and painted outside by the landlord who visits the house a number of times a year to ask if we have any problems and check if any maintenance is needed. Anything we point out is dealt with straight away. The gardens, front and back are well kept by us. We are quiet, considerate neighbours. Compared to the homeowners next door to us who appear to have a recreation of Steptoe's yard in their back garden, run a creche which involves 8 or 9 cars turning up and parking wherever they feel like it (including across our driveway or on more than one occassion actually on the drive!)twice a day to drop-off/collect their little darlings, and have loud drunken parties most Saturday nights! Complaints are generally met with a sneering comment about us only being renters who can move if we want..( we don't want, we like the house and area and our rent is way cheaper than a mortgage would be)..

Please don't tar all landlords and tenants with the same brush!
It was the actual law in this country I was giving out about. I have lots of friends who rent properties and keep them really well. The property beside me is rented and I have had no problems with any of the tennants. However, if there are problems with tennants landlords don't seem to have to take any responsibility. That is why most people's hearts sink if they hear the house next door has been bought by an investor who plans to rent it out.

On a separate note, I find it incredible that people could be deemed fit to run a creche and yet have a filthy garden and regularly throw drunken parties at the weekend. Are you sure they're legally entitled to be minding other people's children for money?

Yes, I checked because I was going to make a complaint to the council. The garden is divided up, so they have the half on our side full of junk ( maybe it isn't rubbish but it looks like it to us) while on the far side, they have converted their garage to a play room and the garden off that is landscaped and laid out with children's equipment - it's a very large garden as they are on a bend. As for the parties, they are on a Saturday night and wouldn't have any impact on her work Monday - Friday.

Back on topic, I know the law probably does need tightening up but I just wanted to make the point that not all landlords/tenants are uncaring, inconsiderate scum - granted a some of them probably are though!
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I wouldnt tar all tenants and landlords with the same brush... its easy to see those tenants who take pride in the maintenance of their house, and then there are good and bad tenants and these can be both private and council tenants. Owner-occupiers can equally non-maintain their houses - I live in a private estate where the front and back garden of one household is completely overgrown - and I wouldnt hazard a guess whats lerking in the garden either.

The property that Landlords rent are suppose to meet certain standards - but to what extent are these standards actually enforced? Landlords are property investors whose bottom line in generating income and profits. Registered creche's have to meet specific hygiene and safety standards - planning permission is required if running a business from a residence and maybe the posters concerns should be directed to the HSE and council.
It is the individual not "tenants" or "landlords" that create the mess. It really annoys me when all tenants or landlords are lumped as one. There will always be people who don't care what way they live or how they live their lives.

It is irrelevant whether they are tenants or landlords.
I actually moved house because of the amount of rented houses in my estate in Lucan, the majority of which were in bits even though the estate was only about 5 years old. Scruffy net curtains that never saw Daz, weird kind of stuff like runners etc out on the top window sills (house of blokes)

There was one rented two doors up with a faulty alarm and it kept going off at night when the house was between tenants. I had landlords number so phoned him at 1am when it was ringing away. He was so not happy with me.

I know some tenants can be great, there was one set of lads on the road who kept theirs immaculate, but that has not been my overall experience and I would not be mad keen to live in an area with many rentals again.
But some landlords do behave irresponsibly and the laws in this country allow that. If a bunch of tennants are causing serious annoyance to other residents a responsible landlord will evict them. However, there seems to be a significant minority of landlords who just do nothing because they don't have to live beside these people and are just interested in pocketing the rent. I know not all landlords behave like this, but there should be some kind of sanctions for the ones who do. They are giving the whole rental sector a bad name. (reply to veron01's post)
Also, my experience has been similar to Mandac's. There have been some really nice, polite, responsible tennants renting property in my area over the past few years. But anytime we have had trouble it has nearly always been gangs of young people renting who have been causing the problems. That is just the reality I'm afraid.
Do remember that it's quite hard for a landlord to get tenants out of a property. If they just refuse to go it can take months. If there's kids in the house and they have a hard neck it can take over a year.