Who to go for estate agent wise?


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Hi everyone, I’m looking at selling my house soon and im struggling to pick an estate agent? I’ve heard that they can have different agendas in terms of putting house on the market at low rate in order for quick sale due to their own financial strains. Others will put it on at an over rated price in order to secure properties and attract customers in. How do you know who to go for. I was thinking of checking the property price register for my local area and seeing who is getting the best selling price when selling properties in my locality? What do you think?
Have a look at which estate agents are active in your area and with your house type. Probably more important in rural areas.

Have a look at their ads online, and how professional their photos are. For example I'm aware of 1 rural based agent that takes their photos with a mobile phone!

Then invite 2 or 3 agents you've chosen around to have a look with a view to selling for you. Ask for their advice on how to present house better, and who they would be marketing it to. You'll get 'a feel' for one of the agents. In my own case I met one who was really nice, but not a seller. I'd love to buy a house from her, but there was no way I'd let her handle a sale.

Then ask about costs. The recognised brands tend to be a bit more expensive, but depending on your house type they might be a better fit. As with everything in life, haggle! Fees are negotiable.

Ask them all for a valuation, and what they'd like to put it on market for. The mid point between all will be closest to reality. Some will value it higher to try get the business, but that doesn't mean they can get that price.
Prior to selecting an agent, go to viewings of houses selling in your area. See how the different agents operate in practice, and how they interact with potential purchasers.
If choosing a large firm, Check that your sale will have a dedicated agent..will they be present at all viewings? An agent that knows the property can close a sale.
Be realistic about the value of your house.
We chose a small firm last year. The house was placed on the market with a lower than expected market value resulting in a lot of interest, good bids and a completed sale, at a price that we were very happy with.

Agree with all of the advice given above....

Just to add one thing, if I may ... imagine if you were a buyer, what agent(s) would you trust if you were considering buying a house from them ?

The point is probably clear, but I'll call it out just in case it's not ... if someone impresses you as an honest sales person, then they will also give other potential buyers the same impression, and that is what will help you get a good buyer and (hopefully) a straight forward sale, for your house !

This remains one of those sectors that I really wish was regulated better btw.
.. if someone impresses you as an honest sales person, then they will also give other potential buyers the same impression
This is an important point. There are a few estate agents that I refuse to deal with based on previous experiences with fictitious bids and being told blatant lies. I'm buying property at the moment, and i ignore all the property with one agent active in the area.
Thanks everyone! I'll bear all that advice in mind when selecting an agent. It's an arduous process but getting it right is key to getting a great financial result.