Who to get advice from re raising fireplace


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I have a fireplace in my kitchen which i want to raise so that i can put in a cooker or small range. There is a lintel just over the current fire place which would have to be raised. My dad was hoping to do the work for me but is concerned because the chimney is not just straight up but narrows into a V just above the existing lintel. Even if he was to knock through the wall above the lintel and replace it with one higher up he would have to take out the sides of the chimney which narrow to make a large usable opening. He and i am afraid the house will come crashing down around us but i'm unsure who to get advice from. Some sort of structural engineer type or a builder? Have to say I paid quite a bit for a structural survey before and my plumber noticed more from looking around the house than they seemed to so suppose have lost a bit of faith in them. Any ideas???
Hi Trifty,
I am sort of in the same situation. Moved into new house and I want to it enlarge my fireplace opening so it is big enough to house a solid fuel stove. Lintel height is key. Buckleys fireplaces in Stillorgan were helpful. They estimated that the building work would cost approx 1k. They recommended that you take a picture of your fireplace and bring it into them. They have a good website, google them, you should find them easy enough. I think it is wise to get a professional to do the job, just for peace of mind. Hearth and homes in liffey valley will arrange for a surveyor to inspect your chimney to see if it is suitable for 70 euro.
Thank you Lab rat. Definitely given me food for thought. Unfortunately i'm not in Dublin so i'm not sure whether Buckleys will be able to give me as much help but will certainly give them a ring anyway.
Hi Thrifty,
Will you keep this thread going when you talk to buckleys as I too am in same position and would be very thankful to hear what has been said to you. It would save me repeating your enquiries. I'm also down the country so if you find a better located firm you might post that too. Seems to me that if supporting walls can be knocked through, with the aid of new lintels, then a fire place can be raised if we can only get a proven competant person to do it. Structural engineers would prob be better placed to comment on the fabric of a building rather than the state of the plumbing etc so I would still be in favour of getting one to check and specify the job before the competant builder starts.
Carpenter, have you experience in this of are you just guessing that the local guy down the road could have a go if he is considered competent at other jobs?
Hi there, I have just booked a survey to be carried out by Buckley's Fireplaces. It will take two weeks but when I enquired about price thay said it was free! Rumour is that the government will in the near future give grants to households that want to install forms of renewable energy into their homes i.e. solar panels, wood pellet stoves etc. One to watch!