Who owns estate agent photos?


Registered User
If I pay an EA to put my house on the market and advertise it (ie. take photos, submit to Daft, MyHome, etc.) who owns the photos?

If I decide to take it off the market after a few months and place it on Daft for rent myself, can I use the same photos or would this be frowned on?
I would say the Estate Agent owns the copyright of the photos and you should take your own to be safe.
I thought that might be the case. Although I was hoping the fact that I had paid them to do it might give me some leeway.

Guess you're right, best to take my own to be sure!

I agree - take new ones yourself to avoid any doubt. One tip I have (after spending a good while looking at photos today on MyHome.ie), is to make sure you take photos of the exterior of your house on a sunny day (if that is possible of course! ;))