Who is responsible for removing a fallen tree?


Registered User
Hi All,

Behind my apartment complex is a residental development of houses, about 2 months ago a tree fell (very windy night) in our development - it is my belief that it was the owner of the land that the tree was on responsibility to remove this tree.

Our Management agent had now gone and paid 300€ to get the tree removed...

WHat do you think?
Re: Who is responsible for removing a fallen tree

I'm 99.9% sure it's the landowner's responsibility. Management company/agent should be seeking recoupment of costs from landowner. The problem is that if the amount is so small, the costs involved in trying to recoup from an unwilling landowner might be entirely disproportionate.
Re: Who is responsible for removing a fallen tree

unfortunately, the 'maintenance' of the grounds is the responsibility of the management company. This [in theory] could have been prevented by a tree survey and the tree problem [which may be the result of a bacterial/ fungal infection for example] dealth with as a preventative measure. The survey should be carried out really every year and whilst I doubt this has happened it would fall under the remit of whoever is responsible for the grounds ie. the management company. - this if the tree is 'rooted' on your land.

If however the tree that fell was not sited on your land befor the fall - then this is a very grey area. The tree in theory is allowed to be pruned and the off-cuts returned to their rightful owner at any time and for any tree - at your cost. BUT- if the tree fell as a result of the new development [drainage/ cables etc..] then it may be proved otherwise. etc.... I think you get the gist of what I am saying and I hope this has answered your situation. If it hasn't then post back and I'll try to be a little more specific.

best of luck
hey, the tree fell a couple of months back - we had a night of really bad wind...and it just fell over!

Thanks for your answers
Anybody had a tree cut down recently - how much did it cost and who did it?

I [my company] was involved in the 'removal' of a fallen tree - but it was about 60 plus years old and did cost a lot! the main trunk was 14' tall - lying on its side! It took 3 men about 3 days to fully remove the stump and the tree - [four figure sum]

all depends on size/ age and species. It's a bit of a ... how much is a car? kinda question...

If you want or can be a bit more specific I should be able to help

best of luck

Tree is almost directly behind my house and if it fell, it would reach the house quite easily.

The tree beside it fell about 8/10 years ago and caused quite a bit of damage to the garden - fences, shrubs, patio furniture etc. Luckily, it didn't uproot completely - it snapped in two and left about 10/12 feet of a stump.

I would like to get the other tree cut down to a similar height. I should mention that, given the lack of surrounding space, it would probably be necessary to cut the tree piece-by-piece rather than one straight cut.

