Whitecliff, Moyville, Willowbank Rathfarnham

Willowbank is the most expensive and closest to transport,shops etc. They are older houses than the other two estates and usually much bigger. Whitecliff is next in price, nice houses but not great for transport and shops. Moyville prices are usually lower but going up fast, it is cheaper as close to the council estate in Ballyboden and slightly further out. The houses there vary a lot in size and therefore in price.
What Gab says is all true. Also I think the higher prices in Willowbank are justified. Its a nicer estate and has a more mature feel. Also I think it may be just within D14 which is generally seen as a bit better an address than D16. I know somebody who lives in Whitecliff and they like it but they do complain about the lack of transport. There is a house for sale there at the moment for €675k which I would have thought was a bit steep for that area but prices are rising fast I suppose. As for Moyville, I never really liked it. Its not a bad estate but there are a few gangs that hang around there (tracksuit types) which would put me off. But on the plus side you can get a four bed. detached (with fairly small dimensions) for well under €600k which is definitely a rarity in D16!
Def Willowbank is the nicest estate and the oldest, largest houses but the prices have gone up way too much recently whereas Moyville will probably move up faster in the next few years.
One drawback to Willowbank is that you often get teenagers drinking down by the river. Whitecliff is probably the quietest of the estates.