Whirlpool baths, anyone got one?

Ron Burgundy

Registered User
we or rather i ws thinking of putting a whirlpool bath into the main bathroom in our new home, any one got one, can recommend a supplier, pit falls etc......just general feedback really.
Re: whirlpool baths, anyone got one ??

Recommendation = If you do get one, don't put the bubble bath in before using it. My ma did this on her first time using it, and the screams from the bathroom when the bubbles nearly filled the whole room were hilarious.
Re: whirlpool baths, anyone got one ??

I'd nearly let the mrs to do that just to get brownie points for myself
Re: whirlpool baths, anyone got one ??

IIll still get one, if i lived my life like that, i'd never drive a car, because someone might crash into me, or cross the road cause i might get run over, or eat beef or eggs or drink beer or even breath as a matter of fact
Re: whirlpool baths, anyone got one ??

So there you have it Ron...be afraid...be very afraid!