which x box to buy?


Registered User
We wish to get our son an Xbox for his birthday? However as we havent a clue what is the best one to purchase can anyone give an quick outline of options available?
We are thinking og getting a Xbox 360 console 250Gb with Kinect motion sensor but that is €100 more than Xbox console 250gb without Kinect, but what is this difference? What can you do with the 250 GB that you can't with 4GB? thanks
you can store more data, that's about it, they do exactly the same thing otherwise. Kinect is the motion sensor that converts your physical movements into certain games.

Has he asked specifically for Kinect? look at what he likes, age group, will he be gaming with friends in the house or more online. maybe you want to join in the fun? then Kinect is great fun for groups and getting involved.
Unless he is going to have the console connected up to internet via xbox live and downloading add ons for games and the like he will not require the larger hard drive version.
If it for gaming on his own or with friends and as I said not going to be using online then the 4gb version is more than adequate.
Kinect is more of a novelty item, it is a motion sensing device and is something that can be purchsed down the line if you think u don't want to spend to much from the off.
Hiya lz1,

Agree with the other poster in relation to Kinect. Might not be value for the amount of use he gets out of it.

With regards to the 4GB version, you would be able to buy a HDD down the line if you so wished.

Agree above in the sense that if there is going to be no online play then there would be no need to go for the 250GB. If there is it might be worth getting due to the online demo downloads that your child could download for free. The average demo would take up about 1gb.

Also, just a note on the kinect, if you are getting, is the surrounding room sufficent enough for it to be used, might want to bear that into consideration.

It is also worth baring in mind that the 4GB is flash memory and not actually a hard drive, so certain games like Halo Reach will not run co-op mode as you need to install info to the hard drive (which you cannot do on 4gb Xbox). And as above, if extra levels became available online then you would not be able to hold the information on the 4gb.

Well said Locke, it's all about ur budget I guess but if it's not that much more expensive the 250gb would be the best buy, could also have his music and stuff stored on xbox. I would leave Kinect for another time, could be a future present idea also which might be handy...