Which unsuccessful Presidential candidates will get their money back

Brendan Burgess

The rule is

"the greatest number of votes credited to him/her at any stage of the counting of votes at the election must exceed one quarter of the quota."

The quota is 50%, so they need 12.5% of the votes cast.

Sean Gallagher is on 12%
Ni Riada is on 9%

If Higgins gets elected on the first count and has a surplus of say 20%, will they do a second count and distribute his surplus to see if it brings the others over 12.5%?

If the opinion polls are correct, that would bring Seán Gallagher comfortably over the 12.5% and Ni Riada close to it.

OK, I see that Peter Casey is the new second favourite, so he is the one most likely to get his expenses refunded.

If Higgins gets elected on the first count and has a surplus of say 20%, will they do a second count and distribute his surplus to see if it brings the others over 12.5%?

I checked with the Department, and once a winner is declared, no further counting takes place.

So Peter Casey will probably be the only one to get his expenses.

Hopefully none of them get their expenses back. The 5 challengers were a combination of the blind and the bland. Whilst not a major fan of Michael D , he was head and shoulders (sic) above the others.
If Casey comes second expect a major outbreak of Traveller bashing at the next election.
If Casey comes second expect a major outbreak of Traveller bashing at the next election.
Unfortunately that group of people do themselves no favors.

I've caught 8 shoplifters in the past year - all but one was from that grouping. Four went to court and the lowest number of previous convictions was 16.

Two got prison sentences. - good old judge zaidan.
I would say that his comments on welfare were just as important.

Is it ok for someone to say that they don't believe that travellers should be regarded as a different ethnic group? And that they are as Irish as the rest of us?

Is it ok for someone to say that it is wrong for houses to lie empty because those offered them refused them as they didn't get land and stables for their horses?

I would say that his comments on welfare were just as important.

Is it ok for someone to say that they don't believe that travellers should be regarded as a different ethnic group? And that they are as Irish as the rest of us?

Is it ok for someone to say that it is wrong for houses to lie empty because those offered them refused them as they didn't get land and stables for their horses?


They are Irish. The DNA evidence shows it. Their cultural origins are an interesting historical mystery but they are Irish and always were.
It is more than just ok. It is the truth.
It wasn't his comments that matter, but the fact that every paper, tv and radio show covered them.

He got a bucket load of free publicity.

Everyone's learning their lesson from Trump.