Hi all,
I am travelling to Nothern Ireland next week to visit relatives and thought I might use the opportunity to do some shopping.
I was wondering which would be best to use - my Credit card or Cash. If cash, would I bebetter off bringing Sterling or Euros?
I always used to think that using the credit card was the best way to pay for the reason j26 gave - usually better exchange rate. Also I didn't need to be paying banks commission to change euro to STG.
However after a recent trip to London I noticed that on my CC bill I was being charged a conversion fee of 1.75% (this may vary between card providers) on any sterling transactions. In some shops over there I was given the choice of using my CC to pay in STG or €. I did opt to pay in € and STG for two separate tranactions in the same shop on the same day. When I checked the statement it turned out that even though the shop's exchange rate on STG to € was poorer than the credit card, by the time you factored in the 1.75% conversion fee you were better off opting to pay in euro using the card.
However after a recent trip to London I noticed that on my CC bill I was being charged a conversion fee of 1.75% (this may vary between card providers) on any sterling transactions.