We are getting curtains made for a 16 foot long window. They will be fairly heavy, interlined etc.
Were quoted 450 euro for a 19 foot heavy duty swish rail (corded) and we will need a pelmet to cover it on top of that.
It must be cheaper to put the curtains on a pole and have no pelmet but we welcome opinions please on which system would be more suitable for the curtain described, ie there is a lot of dragging if those curtains were on a pole, etc....
If it were me I would ring somewhere like Curtain Services and ask their advice.
When using heavy curtains in the past I did go for the heavy duty Swish rail and have used a standard pole for lighter curtains. You may be able to get a heavy duty pole to cater for the weight.
I'm totally out of touch but just wondering if pelmets are still in fashion.
Er, will you? Unless your personal style preference is for a pelmet then do not let a curtain company foist one on you. Even heavy curtains should have enough fabric above the rail system to disguise it when closed, there is no need for a pelmet other than for style.