I figured the Limerick house would be ina rough part. But not so rough I couldnt go there on the booze for weekends with 6 big friends ? or is it like afghanistan there or what
About financing to buy a property larger than 40,000 Euro, Im considering doing a masters full time next year and if I do, then I dont want the additional headache of any more loans unless it was really small.
About estate agent fees in Germany , thanks for the heads up.
About my level of expected returns. I'm ambitious but not greedy and if I can match inflation,then I wont be an unhappy man. My main worry is of getting hugely stung like when I bought a lot of Eircom Shares at its flotation.... UGH
But being of a hopeful nature, I would expect to have a chance of doing a lot better. The last thing that dies is hope they say ;-)
When I will want the money back ? Im prepared to leave it there for 5 to 10 years. I dont see myself needing the money for the next 5 years by which time I will have other more liquid investments I can cash in if need be.
If I can get a stable revenue stream (a yield) from the property I would be happy)
Otherwise if I used it as a place to visit for weekends (or slightly longer holidays) and it kept pace with Inflation I'd be equally happy.
But ultimately common sense (although people have different internal concepts of this) should rule.
Persius, how could I find out about repo sales in Germany ? Is it as simple as asking the bank staff directly? Or is there a special department in each bank which its better to contact?
Johnboy , by calling myself a value investor, I mean Im looking for value such as yield or lifestyle benefit. I want to stick with something I can understand or something I can obtain enouggh information about to understand
To me it defies logic that properties in ireland are at values which give such low % rental yields. To my mind a high rental yield is the only tangible real sign of the inherent value of a property. The smaller yields in Ireland become the more our property market seems like a pyramid scheme and god help those who pay to get in last because theyre paying for the ones who got in first. Am I wrong ? Ok investors in some places are sacrificing yields for a story of potential return but I need to be convinced about where this return can come from. Its not that anyone is forcing me into property but I can see the value of a yield which produces a fairly stable cashflow if I choose the right property. After being burnt in the stock market bubble of 2000 I realise now that cash is King.
Johnboy , why do you describe yourself as a big emerging market property bull? Which markets are emerging property and which countries? And why are you bullish?
Almo, why would you in your own words, 'baulk a little at Bulgaria' ?
if the place needs a little renovation I can do itt myyself as long as its liveable .
I believe thats most of the questions answered. I really appreciate all feedback I ve been getting on this thread. Thankyou all.
Why I had Germany in mind was (off the top of my mind). And I'm in no way claiming to be professional or anything near it. I'm looking for and expecting criticism
1, I could fly to Berlin with only a few days notice and at only 50 euro return
This was in the middle of the world cup so its very accesible if theres a
problem and if I want to visit.Once at the airport the transport system
was impressive. Taxis are not necessary to get anywhere.
2, Germany is a very stable country. Everyone knows that Germans are very
solid and law abiding. Speaking the language as I do there will be no
problems with mafia or gangsters or problems with the title of the
property (tales of which abound from eastern europe)
3, Every educated German delights in showing off what wonderful english
they speak.Its a paradox of my learning the German language that I
usually do not need it . ( this would be helpful when dealing with
officials eg.. tax)
3, Inflation is very low there. I can buy a case of 20 beers for 5 euro in
Germany. Long Live the EU. Its always a pleasant surprise on my wallet
when I visit. I also bought a kebab for 2 euro compared to 6 or 7 euro
here for an inferior product. [I dont binge very often
4, In Berlin I keep reading statistics that 70% of the people living there
rent so if I choose the right location then I should be able to get a
stream of yield easily.
5, I couldnt help noticing that its also a play on eastern europe and a nice
base from which to visit the rest of eastern europe ( Berlin airport seems
to be a hub with flights to everywhere). I dont think the Germans will let their capital be eclipsed in that region the long term.And look how well Germany
rebuilt itself after the world wars. This time its rebuilding an ex-communist east Germany. Their economy actually produces something.
Does anyone know about Leipzig? Apparently Its an hour on the train from Berlin.
Ok I hope that wasnt too long a reply but I did leave it for a long time before writing. I may have appeared naive as an investor many times but I hope that if others see what I cant see then they can point it out.
Thanks again ,