Which profession best to advise on mould


Registered User
From September until May we have issues with mould on ceiling of North facing bedroom and bathroom. Mould run in a line where ceiling meets external wall. Have added vents, tried dehumidifiers, opening windows etc. Has not improved. Would like to get appropriate professional to advise on next steps. I'm not sure what is the appropriate profession to contacte.g surveyor, engineer, architect. Can someone advise please?
Building physics is the general discipline you are seeking.
The cause of your issues is an imbalance somewhere in the heating/ventilation/moisture load equation. To get to the bottom of what's going on and pinpoint the true cause I usually recommend automatic logging of the temperature and RH% levels over a period of a couple weeks in addition to a visual and other survey techniques such as thermal imagery. Note, activities and issues in the non effected areas of the house also often have a role to play and need to be taken into consideration too.
Meathman did you ever get this sorted? We have mould issue in our home here also and was wondering who best person to get to check it may be.
I have a radiator in similar orientated room directly under the vicinity of similar line of mould, I stopped drying any clothes on that rad and increased the insulation in the eaves area directly above. No issues since.
See Mick's post above and maybe contact him as he offers the type of service. Have used him recently and found Mick to be professional , competent and reliable.

I have lots of items to work on here but a very good basis from the report and walkthrough carried out.
Bren our attic definitely needs extra insulation and glad that worked for you . We have it in a few rooms on either side of the house but kitchen is the main one .
This guy knows what he's talking about

Skill Builder is not that great - his spat with the Heat Geeks guys a few years ago demonstrated this (although they eventually talked to each other and produced some good videos).
How you deal with issues relating to mould will be individual to the property, its build type, alterations made by previous owners, history of flooding or roof leaks, and how these were dealt with, ventilation and heating, and how the occupiers live there.

There's loads of businesses in Ireland and I'm just literally picking off a google search and ones I've passed on the street
The Damp Store, Rock Rd, Dublin
Damp Master, Nationwide
https://dampdoctor.ie/ (Damp Doctor), nationwide
Allied Damp Solutions, greater Dublin area
Acorn Property Preservation, Munster/Leinster offices
Protum, Wexford
DampRite, Munster area

Damp is a serious structural problem that either indicates a prior issue improperly remediated, an ongoing problem, a design problem or a poorly targeted upgrade. Its going to be unique to each property, so youtube influencers are probably not your best source of information. You want someone who has demonstrable expertise, not an influencer on the internet putting up videos for advertising clicks.