I had an issue with Revolut about a year ago, got onto chat, person i got was totaly clueless, and English was very poor. Sorted issue out eventually, but was a red flag for me. Allthough have not had any issues since. Still use it regularly for small items, and have used the advance purchase currency service, on holidays which i found really excellent, a few times. Its really a “going out” account for me, end of, only keep €150 ish in it, unless on holidays, and using currency services. All of the multiple adds and notifications on offers and card upgrading offers etc, can be annoying, but i have to say the instant payment option is excellent. While most people not using cash anymore, there are rare occasions, when you need it, and the Revolut standard card ATM monthly limit before charges, is a way to low @€200 per month. Having N26 as well, solves that issue.
N26 experience (standard card)is superbly better, much better customer service, staff know what they are doing, great and reliable app, and use it for main account & most transactions now, if you can get past the occasional IBAN issues with some utility providers, as there are usually paper forms required, for non IE IBAN. Has a higher fee free, atm limit, than revolut, as its 3 withdrawals free, per month with no amount limit like Revolut has, which is much better, as while those occasions you need cash, are now hugely reduced, it’s better to have a higher limit, if you're paying someone cash for a job around the house etc, or some other random cash transaction. My barber, for example never takes cards, and have come across the odd restaurant that doesen’t either ! N26 is so good, i’d consider upgrading from the basic card, if benefits were good, but no way, would I consider a card upgrade with Revolut.
Still have only one bricks and mortar bank account left with AIB account, (closed several
of these in recent years)i get paid into it, and seldom use it other than that. Fees very low, at around €5 a quarter, but came in handy a few times for the odd cheque, one from insurance company, a refund cheque from a utility provider, and a few other items, plus access to a branch, on those very rare occasions, that it may be needed.