Which institutions offer mortgage payment breaks?


Registered User
Anyone know which institutions I might be able to get a six-month break in my repayments? Or who is more likely not to? Am in the process of switching mortgages at the mo so would be good to know.
I'm with UB and was able to avail of a 6 month break because I was off travelling, it was no problem to do this with them. But in order to do this you have to have mortgage with them for a certain length of time, could be 6 months or a year, i'm not sure.
Want to move for a better interest rate while also paying off lump sum. Am trying to figure out whether to take payment break while I try to sell another house. But is it better to keep lump sum to put towards normal repayments rather than take payment holiday? Can't crunch the numbers as don't know how the 6 month break is calculated.