Which hse pension am I in?temporary service first 2001 before being made permanent 3rd april 2004


New Member
Hi I joined the hse in july 2001 as a temporary worker. There were no options of permanency until 03 April 2004 when under fixed term workers act I became permanent. I was not allowed to pay into pension until I was made permanent and I subsequently back paid my years of service to 2001. Is my minimum retirement age 60 or 65. I ask this as I started in hse in 2001 but wasn't made permanent until April 2004. Which pension scheme would I fall under?
Sounds like you are in the pre-2004 scheme so you can retire at 60 without cost neutral early retirement reductions
Not sure but I think you will qualify as a pre-2004 entrant. Have you asked your HR by the way?

Anyway, this is from the education sector but I think it is similar across the public service:

"In general terms, a new entrant to employment in a school is a person who enters employment on or after 1 April 2004, (including employment in a temporary or fixed-term capacity, whether full-time or part-time), and either:-

(1) has not previously served, (whether in a pensionable or non-pensionable capacity), in a public service body or a body listed in Schedule 1 of the Act (see Appendix 3) or
(2) has served, (whether in a pensionable or non-pensionable capacity), in such a body prior to 1 April 2004 but whose employment by the body terminated more than 26 weeks prior to employment by the school"

I take it you didn't have a 26+ week break between your prior service and your commencement full time in April, 2004? That could be a problem.
Thank you for your reply, no I've no break in service. Have done preliminary steps in contacting hr definitely good idea. Going to try get response superannuation section but haven't had much luck in attempts in pass, complete silence.
I was going through all my past information on letters received when was given option to buy service that previously wasn't pensionable when temporary and the booklet that was sent said 60 years. I also found a mid career hse pension webinar that's held few times year so gonna sign up for that see if can ask questions in q&a session.thanks again for response.
160 and 320 code beside superannuation deduction,but I looked it up and same codes used for non new entrants and new entrants post 1st april 2004 and both have the different minimum retirement date of 60 for one and 65 on the explanatory guide for payslip beside same codes. Difference is if employed before 01 04 2004 or after 01 04 2004 but before 01 01 2005. I can only presume goes on date started irrespective of if temporary or permanent
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I don't know if this link will work.

So you're in the 1977 (revision scheme)main scheme 160.

Spouses and Children is the 320 code.

So you're a "non new entrant" so minimum retirement age is 60.

Thank you so much yes link work, so tempoary date decides what pension in and not permanent date?
It's the start date any breaks in service that determine pension scheme. Temporary or permanent status has no bearing on it.