Which garden veg can I plant now?


Registered User
Experimented for the first time this summer with


All did very well and loved the thrill (and economy) of being able to get dinner from the garden! The kids were thrilled as well.

Now all are pretty much finished and I'm wondering whether there's anything I can plant now and harvest soonish? I have a plastic polytunnel that I got in Lidl ages ago - just in case (as you do!).

Any ideas welcome. Have a small plot - 1.5 m X 6 m.
Tesco were recently selling young apple trees (about E13), so the time for planting them must be here. Would you consider these.

I bought a minture coxes pippen in a container pot out about 7 years ago. Each year it fruits. This year I got about 15 apples. There is absolutely no comparison between the bitter sweet taste of these and shop bought apples.

The other benefit is that apple trees are a one off investment with little or no maintenance. Plant and more or less forget about them except when they have fruit.

Thanks Murt10,

Planted two apple trees last year - got 2 tiny apples this year!!! AFAIK it takes two years for them to produce properly. Also planted a couple of berry bushes - imagine they'l take off next year.

Really looking for veg that I can plant now-ish and harvest before summer????

Well , carrots and peas can still be sown if you have a cold frame or tunnel in a mild areas.

You can also plant autumn onion sets for a crop in early to mid-summer next year.

Garlic can still be planted in mild areas having free-draining soil.

Radishes, mustard cress, and winter lettuces can be sown in grow-bags under glass, in a poly tunnel or on a windowsill.

Above all, this time of year is a good time for digging over vacant areas of the vegetable plot, as the approaching cold weather will help to improve the soil structure by breaking it down into crumbly particles. After digging, cover any vacant ground with black polythene, to prevent re-colonisation by weeds.