Which electric shaver? Rotary or flat surface?


Registered User
I'm guessing this is a thread for the men, but all replies will be welcomed. LDFerguson is an equal opportunities questioner.

Need a new electric shaver and wondering if there's a consensus of opinion on the best type to get. There seems to be two generic types - the "Philishave" type, usually with three circular rotary heads or the "Remington" type with one or two straight foil edges.

This or [broken link removed]?

Interested to hear any or all comments.

I've always preferred the second one, LD. For no particular reason. Maybe because they're compact and easy to use.
Haven't used one for years & years ( excepting the trimmers to keep from ending up like grizzly adams ) but was a fan of the flat foil type. My last one was Braun and feel was definitely better than the Philishave type. Only downside to it could be the occasional theft of same for use as a ladyshave hmmm. . They never borrow philishaves.
Eh, neither ?

A proper shave is a wet shave.

Don't settle for anything less !

I agree wholeheartedly, but a wet shave is also a more time-consuming shave, so I keep an electric for a quick trim if I'm looking a bit scruffy before running out the door to a meeting or something.
found it hard to get a decent result from electric shavers - plus in the bad ol days I think they were an acne inducer.

For the past few years I've been on the Wilkinson sword replaceable razor blade - old style think razor blade. Very economical, very effective, a bit of extra care needed when getting used to it but rarely slice myself now, & never to the extent of anything problematic. For lather I used a bar of dove and a brush, works the finest. Bit of Tesco moisturiser if things are a bit dry afterwards - mainly only in the winter.

Anyone used the hybrid "wet electric"? Tried shaving oil but never really "got it".

p.s. I always laugh at:

  1. The "burning sensation" shaving pitch, so use this ridiculously priced perfumed moisturiser
  2. The way the gilette guy gets a perfect shave with 1 quick long stroke all the way across his face. I tend to find the multiple stroke over the same area required to get a clean shave.
I use the flat type, and have been for many years.

Skin too sensitive to use a blade, always got hacked to bits and skin really dried out with the shaving foams/gels.
Skin too sensitive to use a blade.

Strange - for the same reason, I never use an electric.

Hacked to bits? Simply shouldn't be happening unless you have Tommy Lee Jones style contours!

Goes without saying but a good blade is essential. Only shave after a shower (having also used preshave/moisturiser whilst in there), soak blade for at least 3 or 4 minutes in hot water before you use it, don't use cheap gel, moisturise afterwards, use aftershave sparingly...etc

Nothing beats a wet shave IMO - but you need to allow time and don't take shortcuts.

We men have our crosses to bear too you know

And yes, I do spend more time in the bathroom than my wife

I do try the odd wet shave every year or so to see if it agrees with me again, and it usually doesn't - the dry skin is the problem.

As for your advice, it would be great to have the time to do all that every morn when trying to sort the wee man out and get to work.

I agree with Caveat; I shave after I shower. If you are tight for time try getting out of bed 10 minutes earlier.
As for your advice, it would be great to have the time to do all that every morn when trying to sort the wee man out...

I hear you. I spend ages tucking the wee man down and strapping him to my inner thigh so he won't be conspicuous.
I wet shave before a shower, I find my sensitive skin cant handle it after a shower. Skin is too soft and I end up looking like a Brunch.

Have tried everything over the years, electric/wet/King of shaves gel.
What's with all these sensitive skin people?

And if you aren't already, why aren't you using 'product' to compensate?

It's the only reason I am still gorgeous TBH

Doesn't have to be Man-hydrate XL plus: aloe vera and protein sex formula or whatever at €15.99 per 5ml, just bog standard moisturiser.