which computer for parents?


Registered User
Hi everyone

Really need some advice here please.

Thinking of getting my parents a computer for Christmas. One brother is saying a laptop, the other a proper PC.

They have absolutely zero knowledge of computers...have never even sat in front of one.

I would say that they will use to email by brother in Oz and see photos of his new son and book flights..........that would pretty much be it.

So, with that in mind....what type of computer would you buy?

Many many thanks.
I would be inclined to seek the advice of the people in Age Action as I'm sure they come across this type of thing all the time. You might be able to get them signed up for the computer training course also.
I'd say a laptop would be the best option - they're less intimidating than the big box churning away in the corner, and they can set up anywhere - on the kitchen table, the couch etc.

A netbook would be the cheapest option, and it's small and light enough for them to have in the living room and pull it out when needed. The poblem might be the small screen and their eyesight.

A Macbook would be best. They've an easy to use interface, require next to no maintenance and you don't have to worry about anti-virus or such like, so there would be no worrying messages popping up for them. There's also a very good software suite (iLife) included. The problem is the price. You can get a computer that would be good enough for a lot less. For lack of headaches, I'd go for a Macbook, but it is your money.

Whatever you get them, make sure you do a backup of the system when you get it the way you want it.

I'd go with the laptop. From experience I was given a desktop (christmas pressie) and later bought a laptop for my hubby. He doesn't use the laptop very much so I have the option to use either. I now use the laptop most of the time. My reasons (1) It's a wireless laptop so I can sit in whichever room is warmest (a consideration in Winter time), even the bedroom. (2) It's less bulky and can be stored out of sight if necessary. The type of laptop - I'll leave the choice to the experts:) One more thing I might suggest - and they can be introduced to these features gradually - a built in camera so they will be able to chat and see their son and family whilst chatting to them via Skype - free calls, sure they'd love that. You will be amazed how quickly they will learn to use the computer.

Best of luck with your choice.
buy a netbook for cheap.
then buy a monitor (cause looking at the tiny screen wont please your parents at all!) a mouse and a keyboard and you're all set.
buy a good low end laptop - should get one for less than €450 - get a wireless mouse and they'll be made up. - stay away from the apple end of things - really too expensive for what they want. Wait until you can get a laptop with windows 7 on it - lower end spec machines really fly along with 7 as opposed to vista.

I won't recommend a particular laptop but I would recommend getting one with an integrated webcam and microphone. My parents recently bought a laptop and they love making (free) video calls to me via Gchat or Skype. It might be handy especially with your brother being in Oz.
thanks so much everyone for taking the time to reply.

I really appreicate it.
Just got a new laptop for our mum (71 yesterday). My father who never would have gone near the PC (but would have always watched us in curiosity) is using it. They love it as they can have it in any room in the house. they travel a lot and book lots of flights etc, they also love music and are finding youtube great for it.
We got them a dell (windows 7 included when it's released) and it cost 430 all in.
Personally I wouldn't get a net book. Tiny keys, tiny screen. Especially for older people. Need a seperate external DVD drive to install software, DVD's burn CD's. While I prefer laptops myself, some people struggle crouching over a laptop and can get more comfortable over a regular keyboard and screen that can be adjusted for height, angle etc.