Which Childrens Saving Account?


Registered User
Anyone suggest good saving accounts for kids/young teens.

I'm not expecting much in the way of interest but seem seem to have fewer charges, and ATM accounts and things like that. Just wondering what anyone else went with and why?
I recently opened an EBS child saver account. It was the worst experience of my life regarding banking. It took four weeks to open the account between callbacks, lost documents etc. The hassle was not worth it. If I had my time over I'd just open an account in my own name and withdraw the money in ten years time.
Both of mine have had AIB Second Level Student accounts since they started in secondary school. No fees or charges, Visa debit card (and no facility to go overdrawn). Very simple to open. When older child started college he switched to a 3rd level card.
Recently opened ufirst account with ulster bank, 1.5% interest

I am unable to post a link.
I set up EBS for my kids a year ago - I didn't have the problems username123 had! It was quite straight forward.
It wasnt my kid, it was nephew. This probably added to the hassle.
I set up EBS for my kids a year ago - I didn't have the problems username123 had! It was quite straight forward.
Similar - I have EBS accounts for my two children and they were very easy to open. I like the idea of the pass-book, and that they can go into a bank before holidays (in a few years) and withdraw some spending money.
There is next to no interest on them - but that's across the board at the moment
Yeah but in the grand scheme of things its nothing. Plus you can only have a low balance in the EBS one, thereby limiting interest