Which Bank Provides the best Online Service

A bit late but ...

For BofI

A) Yes - both (have done transfers to sterling).
B) Don't know - haven't used with Android
C) No (I have accessed the website on an iPad with no issue)

I've been looking at the PTSB website and while it refers to online and mobile banking, there appears to be no direct reference to Tablets.

Can I ask as stupid question here please - anyone using an Android Tablet (with Ice Cream) successfully for online with PTSB and if so, is all going as it should ?

Many thanks
Have both AIB online and PTSB online and PTSB shades it. PTSB Emergency cash is killer where if you dont have your card you login to app on phone or online, get a text to your phone and you put a code in ATM and it spits out money. Have been saved by that a few times. Also AIB have this annoying card reader you need to transfer money, print a statement, etc etc which you need every now and then and its always lost. Then they charge you 5.50 for a new one.

Also PTSB customer service WAY better than AIB who dont give a toss. My wife is fully with AIB and she is moving all her accounts to PTSB because of the shoddy way they treat their customers. Plus PTSB have free banking if you keep 1500 in the account.
Moving my account from BOI to PTSB today,appointment at noon,

You don't need to maintain a balance of €1500....but €1500 must be lodged monthly to qualify.