Which Accounting Profession


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I'm currently doing year 2 of IATI and I'm looking to go on to further this qualification when I finish this course. The company I'm with now has a limited lifespan and since I'm here 10 years I'm planning on holding out for redundancy. I currently do the payroll for 350 employees along with the related statutory returns and reconciliations. Any ideas what my best route would be, e.g. ACCA, ICAI etc. Ideally the course would have to be done through night classes outside of Dublin; I'm not disciplined enough for correspondence courses. Any suggestions?
I assume you know that the IATI are connected to the ICAI? There is structure in place for advancement from the IATI qualification onto chartered with the ICAI.

I note you are in industry so you might want to consider do you really need ICAI/ACCA at all or might you be better off with CIMA. That depends somewhat on your future plans (whether you want to stay in industry). Also the ICAI qualification is well regarded in industry too so it can still be an option.
I'd havea look at CPA, the exemptions used to be pretty good and the exam structure wasvery suited to someone in industry

Have a look here

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