Where's the Lost thread?

Whatever questions were left unanswered in Lost, they're not a patch on the confusion after Donnie Darko.
What in the name of God was that about.

Time travel.

He went back in time to change the sequence of events that led to the death of his girlfriend even though that meant he would die
Whatever questions were left unanswered in Lost, they're not a patch on the confusion after Donnie Darko.
What in the name of God was that about.

And at least that was only 2 hours long! That rabbit still freaks me out when i think of it.

I do love the character aspect of lost, I don't know how anyone couldn't have shed a tear when Jin and Sun died but it is a cop out by the writers to say it's a character show and not about explanations.
I don't know how anyone couldn't have shed a tear when Jin and Sun died

My wife and I must have hearts of stone.

Although she did sigh and smile when Sawyer and Juliet got back together at the vending machine. I was more interested in what she said i.e. "It worked". That was the last thing she said to him when she died in his arms down the tunnel.
'Lost' is proof positive that to have a successful series stretching for 6 or 7 series, you do not need to have a script beyond the next episode. Just make it up as you go along and make it surreal and people will read a whole bunch of 'meanings' into it !

Gotta admire the jammy gits that wrote it, just for that aspect alone !
Only watched 1 episode ever and it was the last one (saved myself SO much time!).

My question is: Given they were on the island for all that time, how did the heavy dude stay so heavy?
Has it gone forever then? I hope so.

Seriously, I don't think I've ever had such a strong and illogical aversion to a tv series. I saw just over half of one episode and hated it. Not through some kind of elitism or snobbishness either I might add - I mean I love equally far fetched and over the top stuff like 24, but there was something about Lost that really repulsed me!

My question is: Given they were on the island for all that time, how did the heavy dude stay so heavy?

Food was regularly dropped during the current time period.

And the island was fully catered during the 70s.