Where's Chris?


Registered User
Chris, come back...all's forgiven.

How I miss your posts. Several nutters would ask your opinion...you'd reply in exceptional detail only for the poster asking the question never to have the gumption to reply!! We're either halfway to recovery or halfway to the absyss.

I remember one post you made about raw materials, steel in particular. You mentioned that now was the time (about 2 or 3 years ago ) to buy tin foil. Well I was in Lidl yesterday buying my bits and pieces. I do all the cooking in our house you see and was eagerly awaiting the Christmas shop. I digress by telling all the AMMers out there to come to the English Market for the the best food! So, I was in Lidl yesterday with my bits and bobs and realised I needed some foil. Zut alors!! The price of foil.

Gold is down, but the steel people use (tin foil) is up....

Where will I park my coppers???
