Where will it all end?


Sorry I'm late in, but you seem to be hitting a universal uneasiness with the post-religious culture emerging, where materialism and one-up-manship are filling the void. Maybe we're half way to a new enlightenment, but in the transition Ireland has been caught pants down, with a peculiar American/Irish approach to values.

But just look at the media which has become more powerful in the above mix than government at times. The media, perhaps reflecting what sells, is fawning towards wealth creators. The new Icons are Becks, Bono, Sir Anthony, etc all stretched out before us, measured, and valued by their riches. Small wonder then, in a low interest, easy credit society even the low paid are wanting to become landlords even if its on a studio in Moldovia.

If you want to silence a dinner party in Ireland, don't talk sex or gossip, talk about money especially about property and about how the next guy is getting a fraction richer while you stand still. There is nothing more upsetting in this value system than the thought that your neighbour might, just might be getting richer than you!!

Consider the quintessential Irish retailer, Mr Customer is King, We'll Never Sell, Quinn. Fergal sold out for the Dollar, and was he bought out for his business? Not on your nanny he was bought for his property by the new Gods, the property developers!

Caifu - Yes I saw that in yesterday's news.Ironic that Quinn is for the chop as "Superquinn" was the very first 'super' market with significantly-lower prices to locate in working class districts (including the housing estate where I grew up). Not wishing to be messianic but the presence of these stores in areas where hitherto local traders exploited the isolation and dependence of the concrete satelites meant the difference between real frugality and proper nourishment for a lot of children.

And yet again the takeover is not for the accumulated goodwill or the knowledge of retailing but for the blinking earth beneath the stores, and its speculative interest.