Where/who to write to in relation to poor health care (issues in the HSE in general)?


Registered User
Hi, not sure what forum to post this in... so.. unfortunately I have had many dealings with the HSE of late - as well as over the last number of years (not me but loved ones) and basically I have had enough.. its scandalous.. so.. I would like to air these grievances to someone in authority,.. (if we the public don't speak up, then definitely nothing will change.. so worth a short.. just wanna do my bit).. not willing to go on radio.. thats not my thing.. but where/who can I write to? Minister for Health or ??? TIA
We don't know if there really is something for the HSE to answer, do your loved ones know and agree with what you're proposing?
Reactions: jan
It all depends on what you are complaining about. there is a website here that may help

The action you will take will probably vary depending on the nature of your issue. Bear in mind there is also the regulatory authorties for medical professionals as well.
Following on from Peanuts reply, this link for the HSE specifically https://www.healthcomplaints.ie/specific-complaints-procedures/hse-your-service-your-say/
Reactions: jan
@noproblem yes they do and absolutely endorse it.. (well, those who are still with us) PS I quoted you here but I don't see it.. umm.. anyway..
@Peanuts thanks for that - will look into it..