Where to source solid wood external doors?


Registered User
Hi all
Would be grateful if anyone has any leads on suppliers of solid wood front doors.... web recommendations also appreciated.....
Thanks in advance
Have you checked out local joiners in the yellow pages? Well worth doing as you can have total control over design and materials. You could even take a picture of a door you like and have it made. Maybe others here can recommend particular options in your area.

Congratulations on not going the uPVC route, by the way! Wish there were more like you as PVC doors especially (with their "standard" neoclassical styles and large plastic surface area) are a particular blight on both our urban and rural landscapes these days
Thanks everyone - "Joiner" is the keyword so will do some local searches tomorrow.
I got a teak door made by a joiner in wexford town. He had a workshop on Rowe Street i think, its a small street running parallel to the predestrianised part of the main street away from the sea. Go up the side street beside the new greenacres shop to the traffic lights, turn left, beside the small hardware shop. Sorry I don't live in wexford anymore and am not sure about the names. Anyway this joiner has a small workshop and did a fantastic job, I drew him a picture, gave him the sizes, he made the door. Had to get the locks etc put on by a carpenter who hung the door for me. I'm sure there are others like him. If you ask in an independantly owned hardware shop near you they will know the local joiners.
Had our front door made by a local joiner, we are north Cork though so not sure if he is too far awy from you.
He was absolutely excellent.
Would reccommend him to anyone.
I have to say Cork builders providers have a great range in store. If you not from the sunny south check out your local builders providers.