Where to invest €20,000


Registered User
Hi, just moved house and have €20,000 left over. Want to put it somewhere simple, make a few euros, no risk of loss, able to access etc. Whats best to do?
Did invest 3,000 in EBS Sure Certificate couple years ago and getting back €3,400 on maturity. Thought this was good but don't hear about them these days? Anybody know if Sure Certs are a good investment?
Permanenttsb is offering, I think they call it, Hot100 savings, 4% APR, for 100 days. Alot of the Irish banks are offering extremely competitive rates of interest EBS, AIB etc etc.

No risk - Gov guaranteed. - CASH is king - so my advice is to place your surplus cash on deposit with one of the 6 guaranteed Irish Banks.
Cash won't be king for much longer. With all the money all the central banks are printing, big inflation is coming soon:


QE does carry risks and obviously inflation or hyperinflation are key risks. Unlike Japan in the early 90's will be using both sides of the balance sheet. Monetary policy is clearly not working and another monetary tool, QE, needs to be applied. I do appreciate by increasing the money supply you also decrease the value of the currency and in turn inflation occurs. Our economy is contracting at a pace we have never seen, we have an exploding budget deficit, growing unemployment and may other challenging issues to deal with. Indirectly QE is silently being in place for quite some time by amending the asset menu taken from Commercial Banks and yet disinflation and then deflation remains.

With all due respect that article is written for a specific market/ country and cannot be applied as an international curtain essay. Finally thanks for the link I enjoyed the read and I am sure the ZIPPIDYDO will not be worrying about inflation in the shortterm.