Where to buy large qty of grass seed?


Registered User
Anybody know where is the best place to buy a large enough quantity of grass seed to sow an area of approx 1 acre? The garden is in West Clare. Any idea of amount of seed per sq metre would be great.
Did my garden last year ( ca. 1 acre ) Bought the seed in the co-op store. Dont know if you have those up there. Think it was called gold crop @ 75euro a bag - took 4 bags( cant remember the bag weight ) .Main thing is not to skimp on the amount you use. Dont set it right the first time and you could spend a lot more time and money trying to fix it.
Think longterm when buying grass seed, mind that you are not buying a mix intended for quick growth for farmers to get three loads of silage over a typical Irish summer, i.e. lots of mowing for you. We found Mr Middleton the best source of seed, not the cheapest. We are also based in the west of Ireland, we bought No 2 seed from Mr Middleton, but underestimated the amount we needed. This covered about half our 1/2 acre plot, the remainder we bought quickly at a local garden centre. The Mr Middleton grass is way superior still 6 years later, finer, copes better with the traffic etc. the local stuff breaks outr heart, constantly weedy, mossy etc. Mr Middleton for me every time. http://www.mrmiddleton.com/shop/home.php
Earwig30, that's really helpful. I will check out what they have. It' s exactly this advice I was hoping to get. BTW, I take it there is no special way of sowing the seed other than scattering it by hand in a random way?
Try MacInerneys on the Mill Rd in Enns, they normally have big bags of it. I suppose some kind of push along spreader would be useful for spreading it. Have you considered purchasing a Ridealong mower to cut all this grass?, have you the time to cut it. The seed bag will normally say how far to spread it.