Where to buy bike shed?



I need to put a shed in the garden that could securely hold a few bikes. Where would I get one?

Kind of depends where you are in the country. I am using a bog stanbard wooden shed with metal roof in the garden to store two bikes and various garden bits and pieces. But you will get a more slimline (and probably easier to assemble) one from Argos, Woodies, B&Q if there is one close.
I'm in Dublin. It's for a block of 4 apartments, so I would need to have room for about 5/6 bikes. I'd like to put one up like you see in others apartment complexes. The ones that have the bike stands that are secured onto something. There is a high wall surrounding the garden so I would say that the bike stand could be secured to that.

But where would I get a bike stand?
And where would I get a custom built shed to enclose it from the elements?

I don't think I could get the likes of these in the stores you mentioned. I could check though.

(I own one apartment and will get permission for this shed, so this is not an issue)

I rang Commuting Solutions and they have bike stands. So I'll go to Woodies etc. for a shed, or material to build one.

Thanks for the help Stobear, much appreciated!
