Where is xmas telly in Irish Times magazine?



Expected to see full xmas tv schedule in Irish Times magazine today. But only has tv until next Friday. Does anyone know why the Indo has their full xmas tv schedule in their magazine today but Irish Times doesn't? Thanks.
I don't know

However, what might help is the RTÉ Guide.
A lot of people, even myself buy it this week but don't buy it for the rest of the year

It's good value, bumper issue
Like micmclo, I only buy the RTÉ guide for Christmas. Looking through it during the week, I noticed that because of the way the holidays fall, the double issue finishes listings on New Year's Eve!
Isn't that all old hat, now that we have video on demand and the internet etc?
Isn't that all old hat, now that we have video on demand and the internet etc?

Some things can never be improved upon. Leafing through the pages, taking note of, or even using a highlighter on, those programmes that only ever appear at this time of the year.

A digital guide will let you know when the programmes you're interested in are on, but not when there are other programmes that you may be interested in are on, e.g.

I haven't bought the RTE Guide, though. There was a 2 week TV guide in the newspaper yesterday.
The English Times newspaper yesterday had a bumper culture magazine with 2 weeks worth of programmes and great analysis of what to watch under catagories.