Where is the best place in north county Dublin to get a couple of kittens?

Re: Kittens wanted

Kitten season is only getting started now so you might have to wait a few weeks and then there'll be loads of kitten crying out for new homes try www.ashanimalrescue.com
Or try your local vet. When I needed a couple of cats a few years ago, I rang the DSPCA who wanted to charge exorbitant prices for each and then actually questioned whether I should own any at all because I worked full time. I was very put out by their attitude! So rang my local vet who had a mother and daughter cat looking for a home. Got them for free and they've been with me living the life of reilly ever since.
Surely it's a good thing that the DSPCA had the welfare of the animals at heart rather than the (slight) risk of offending a member of the public?

Most responsible animal shelters/rescue centres will insist on conducting a house check to ascertain whether your accomodation and attitude are of a sufficient standard, before rehoming an animal with you. Seems to me no animal lover could object.

I'd much rather know they weren't just doling animals out willy nilly to whoever wanted one.

Oh, and it's not as if the DSPCA were trying to make a profit on the animals, merely trying to recoup some of the costs of housing, feeding, and providing veterinary care to the animals in their care.
Their attitude was so off-putting that I'd never ring them up again! I live on a studfarm so it's a perfect environment for some cats! Their problem was that because I couldn't make it down to their pound (opening hours only 9-4pm and not open on saturday!) as I work fulltime, that I wouldn't be an appropriate owner! I was quite willing to make a contribution for taking the cats but they wanted over €100 which I thought was a bit much! The whole experience left a sour taste in my mouth and I've never recommended them to anyone since. Local vets are definitely the better way to go. The ISPCA are obviously not that stuck for homes for stray animals. Which is a shame because I'm constantly seeing stray dogs around the roads where I live and have actually picked one up last weekend that was obviously just left abandoned.
Regardless of where you get them from, make sure you get them vaccinated and neutered (and booster shots each year). Most shelters will already have done this, which is why they are looking for a contribution - it's just to cover their costs, not a profit making exercise and is ofter a good deal less than you will pay a vet to do it. Neutering and vaccinations can come to over €100 per cat depending on which vet you go to.

Also, don't rule out the option of teenage or adult cats either cat either - they are in need of homes even more than kittens.

From personal experience I'd recommend www.lasthope.ie in addition to some of those already mentioned.