Where is Opel's registered office?


Registered User
Could anyone clarify who owns opel in Ireland. For some reason I thought there was a company called Opel Ireland Ltd, I checked with CRO website and it does not seem to exist, I eventually got General Motors Ltd, Opel house, Fern Road etc. Where they taken over sometime?

Thank you for your help.
General motors have owned Opel/vauxhal for yonks, what really gets me by the towns is my Merc is actually a Crysler and my Range Rover is a bloody Tata.
Gotta love the auto industry.
Try Bill Cullen, he had or has the Renault Francise he may know who has the Opel Franchise if there is one?
Friend of mine is a high end car dealer I will ask him for, should havean answer tomorrow

Actually, your Merc is a Daimler, they got rid of Chrysler last year I think.