Where is Jack?


Registered User
We have had the case of the missing Enda Kenny and it looks like he has been found.

Now I am wondering where is Jack OConnor?

He was a permanent fixture on Tv/Radio for months and yet I haven't heard a word from him for the last month!!

Is he so heavily involved with the Labour election campaign that he is too busy to speak out as he usually does.

He is on the Labour party executive ,right??
Away having a beard transplant. Very unfortunate. His last beard colour, shampoo & set went disastorously wrong. Came out way too RED for our liking. He donated it to Gerry Adams to scupper the SF election campaign.

Not to worry do, he's planning on an early return to the public platform with a nice Captain Bird's eye beard number, making him look even more knowing & wise, if that were possible. And maybe, rumour has it, to help him land a part in a Sherlock Holmes number as Dr Watson in a bid to keep him out of the workhouse after the USC creamed a fortune from his 120 K plus salary :D