Where have all the buyers gone?


Registered User
We have recently put our own house on the market In the south east. We plan on trading up. The market seemed very active right up until the point we erected the ”For Sale” sign. Our AE has advised that their dose seem to be a quieting of the market and that it could be for any number of reasons. Has anyone else seen a slow down?
House across the road from me in Dublin went for sale last week, they seem to be having very strong interest with viewings Saturday, and each morning/evening this week. I'd have thought it was priced relatively high as well, so not bargain hunters.
Has anyone else seen a slow down?

There has been a huge drop in the number of house sales completed since the start of COVID. June would typically be one of the busier months, but closures this year are down 33% on last year. That 33% drop likely impacts some sectors of the market more than others, and some areas more than others. If your property is in the price range of those working in sectors worst affected by COVID, then the number of potential buyers might be down very significantly.

There are lots of threads on here about banks rescinding finance offers to anyone who ended up on COVID related supports.
I live in the sunny south east and house are selling like hot buns around here. Three on the same estate close to each other have sold within the last 2 to 3 months
According to the independent today houses are selling much faster now than they were in June with increased demand all over the country. Demand for city properties has not fallen but demand for houses in the provinces has increased dramatically especially if there is high speed broadband