Where does "Santy" leaves the presents?


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Ok so this is a stupid question but where is Santy ament to leave the toys?

I remember when i was young sometimes left in bedrooms, kitchen, under the tree so im not quite sure.

I suppose under the tree for fear of waking the child if santy went into the room?

Thanks and sorry if silly question am new to all this santy business!!! :eek:
Well as my two do not like the idea of anyone coming into the house at night, even if said person is bearing gifts we have to pretend that Santa leaves the presents in a big sack out on the lawn beside a carefully constructed sign saying leave presents here.
SO in the morning dad has to go out to retrieve the presents and bring them in under the tree......

So no way depositing presents in their rooms would work in my house.

I think under the tree is best so you can all open the presents together and see their faces.
In our house .. wherever the Christmas stockings are hung.
Below the tree is for the non-Santa presents.
Does Santa's xmas present's be wrapped me think no, always get a surprise for kids from the wife and me which is wrapped, dont want them to think we are mean
the child dictates where gifts are to be left when they write to Santie.
I remember it was a serious error to forget to tell him to check for smoke before attempting a chimley entry, I just couldn't trust my Dad....
In my day it was always next to the tree - he neer wrapped mine but did for other friends - we just accepted that there were more children in my house and not enoughh elves to be wrappin stuff as well as makin in....
Dodo - my parents never gave us gifts and we never noticed it at all - we just got brand new christmas clothes from parents and Santa gave us "stuff" usually that parents had said no way to as they were too expensive in previous weeks.
Stocking on the end of the bed, pressies wrapped under the tree. I use a paper with father christmas on and never put any labels. My daughter copped pretty quick that if there was no label and a santa on the paper - they were hers!! Friend of mine has 3 little people, so she gets a new hessian coal sack for each of them and puts their name on and leaves them in front of the tree.

always get a surprise for kids from the wife and me which is wrapped, dont want them to think we are mean
Told my daughter that mummy & daddy pay for the pressies, the elves make them and Santa delivers them. Don't think that she thinks we're mean - never said!!??
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Remember my parents wraping santa stuff in brown papaer and string and using normal christmas wrapping paper for other gifts.

They went to so much trouble then.
Santa presents wrapped and under the tree; stockings at the end of the bed and generally wrapped as well.

Then there was the Christmas where Santa got an enormous triple swing for the garden and nothing was good enough for me but it had to be erected in the back garden as a surprise for the following day; the poor man was out there at 2am in the dark bolting the thing together :)

I know one family where Mom & Dad got the 'big' presents and Santa filled the stocking; that way when Santa was found out there wasn't too much disappointment.

My daughters response (at the tender age of 11) when she found out the real deal, still warms my heart; after a silence and head down for a bit she came over and hugged me and said - "it's ok that there's no Santa 'cos that means that you brought the presents and I can say thank you for all the lovely Christmas's I've had"..........

....every one say 'Ahhh'.....:)
ahh kildrought!!! Couldnt imagine my fella out puttin up swings at that hour of the morning (very grumy if woken!!)

Well looks like we'll just put them beside the tree in a big bag or something. child doesnt speak yet so will see where she wants them left next year.:D
Hi Blueshoes

Our Santa presents were always left on the rug beside the fire - three lots in a row... I can still remember the excitement as first Santa took all our letters from the fireplace (you never knew which day that would be, we checked every morning after putting them there and the thrill when they were gone) and then Christmas morning we'd all walk calmly down the stairs (behind our parents) and Dad would unlock the door and we'd belt in... brilliant times :D

We usually leave the presents unwrapped but in a big Santa sack at the bottom of the beds ... but our kids are still little .. so this may not always be feasible.
We try to make sure that Mammy + Daddy give a present too ... so that Santa doesn't get all the glory ... like Nelly, my parents never gave toys as presents ... we often wondered why ... Santa was loved more than the boring clothes giving parents!
We hid them! Kids would be running around like mad trying to find their bag-full. Oh the excitement. Santy would have gathered ALL the presents and put them in the rightful owners sack - even the ones from Auntie Mary. Though there was a serious discussion one Xmas when another family was visiting. My kids put out the glass of wine as usuall, when the visiting kid protested about drink driving and said THEY always leave out a cup of tea. So they did both and amazingly both were gone in the morning.
Santa always wraps his presents in paper that is not to be found on any other presents(!) Don't forget to leave out some carrot and parsnip for rudolph and the reindeer. then in the morning the reindeer have left the chopped up remains, strewn on the front step..seems very real to kids then. I don't think there is much need to buy presents from parents when children are small.
Sooty footprints in the fireplace and sneaking round 1/2 cut trying to assemble the last pressie on xmas eve, great craic!! My daughter is 10, so realistically this will probably be my last year but, I still hope she believes in Santa FOREVER!! Think the magic is gone when the children don't believe anymore.
Careful leaving presents at the end of the bed when there's more than one child in the house. I remember more than one Christmas as a child waking up to find my older siblings eagerly unwrapping MY presents after already looking at their own!
I'm getting excited at the idea of Christmas now reading this thread, we'll have to make our own traditions as our children are still very young, time for me to enjoy a second childhood!
Santa fills up the stocking and it gets hung from the fireplace. The other presents all go under the tree, and are from the family.