Where do I go next???

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Hi all,

I've been applying for an affordable house with my local city council for 3 years now, up until now I've I haven't been allocated one and I presumed the reason being was that I had no affiliation with the areas that came up in the past.

Anyway, there are 3 schemes coming up in the area where I'm from, my parents live there and I work there also and my son's childminder is there. The city council released the first scheme about 2 weeks ago but have put it in the hands of a bunch of solicitors who going by a different name. Now I have everything down to a tee, no loans, good savings, renting, from, working and child minder in the area and have loan approval for the exact amount the houses are costing but I have a suspicious feeling that they are going to give these houses to people who have 'pull' or 'know people in the right places' if you know what I mean. The area is quite sought after but if this is what is going on I really don't think it's fair...anyway, the reason for my post is that I would love to know is there anywhere or anyone that I could write to/contact that can make sure that this is not the case and people are all treated fairly when it comes to being selected for one of these houses. I want to do this before the fact because it would be know use after when all the houses have been allocated and I'm still with nothing. Also, there are very few houses, 32 in the 1st scheme, 40 in the 2nd and 14 in the 3rd, keeping in mind the 2,500 people who have applied for the 1st scheme of 32 (so I've been told anyway)

To be honest I don't know what to beleive at this stage, all they are doing is trying to put me off whenever I ring and ask about the houses.

Any Advice would be appreciated!

No harm to drop a line to your local councillors/TDs!

In my experience they guys can be very persusaive.