Where do I collect my Japanese Import


Registered User
Where do i collect my japanese import, i know its North Wall but not sure exactly where to go? Also is there a set time for arrival, i dont want to go down and it hasnt even arrived???!!!!
I dont even have a phone number of the people in charge of checking vehicles as they come in to ask them if it has arrived!!!??

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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I don't know the answer to your question but I will pass on a nasty story I heard on the Gerry Ryan show last year:

Guy imports car from Japan, goes to the compound at the docks, sees the car but can't get it out yet as paperwork has to be sorted.... goes back sometime after and car is gone and nobody at the docks can help him! Basically he gets stonewalled by security etc.

So I would be inclined to, if you get to see your car, try and get close enough to take a photograph on VIN numbers etc...

Don't want to be a scaremonger but I felt really sorry for the guy and no doubt the docks have a juristiction all of there own.
cheers for that, i was lucky in the sense that the car was there, still had to get the paperwork sorted though, managed to do that and now i have the car!!! bit different to what i expected but thanks a lot!!!
Bring a container load of whatever fuel the car takes as the tank may be empty, also bring a battery starter kit or jump leads.
Do you intend to drive the car out or use a tow truck ??
How did you locate the car?, what web site?
Many tks