Where can you get a gas mask . .

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Registered User
Just curious, in light of this Flu in Mexico, is it actually possible to get some sort of masks (general public) that can protect people against these airbourne viruses . .
Just curious, in light of this Flu in Mexico, is it actually possible to get some sort of masks (general public) that can protect people against these airbourne viruses . .

Hi NorthDrum, there are several places that do that M3 would be one, there is one I go to called Michael Scannells in Sandyford ind est.

One more I just can't remember the name of off hand.

I suppose a builders mask would work.
You could get dust masks in hardwear stores, would keep any germs away from your airways.
A builder's dust mask will not filter out viruses; you will need a face mask with a HEPA filter element - but this is a medical issue and the thread will probably be closed....
Hi NorthDrum

Click [broken link removed] for a link to ebay for a gas mask.

I hope you don't have to use it.

In this case a gas mask or respirator as they are known would not do much good in trained personnel let alone the wrong hands. They work well for fairly short periods of time say during a military style gas attack where the gas would disperse quickly and also you can move upwind so you will only need the mask on for short periods.

Biological threats can hang around for weeks so unless you want to eat/sleep in your respirator for weeks or set up a chemical decontamination unit in your hall way then its just not practical. Stick to a supply of medical facelets.
A builder's dust mask will not filter out viruses; you will need a face mask with a HEPA filter element - but this is a medical issue and the thread will probably be closed....

Im only asking where you can get a mask (posted in the Miscellaneous non financial section), not asking anybody to diagnose any Illness! !

Did a couple of searches online and couldnt find anything!

Will check out that sandyford place and thanks for the ebay link.

Thanks for the replies all, just curious. I will keep a close eye on this outbreak. I always thought I would rather have something like this and never need it, then not have it and be sorry I never got one ! !

If I only got to use it every halloween, I wouldnt be that upset . . .

They just said on Sky that those medical facelets wouldnt work.!!!

I assume (this is going off movies and documentaries, so I will bow to more superior knowledge) that its near on impossible for the average Joe to fully protect themselves from an airbourne virus. Like anything find its weakness. If it doesnt last long in hot conditions, get the hell out of Ireland or at least leave your central heating on full time. The idea of the mask would be more to help you out in situations where the chance of catching it would be higher.

Interesting debate though . .
Maybe get one of those space suit things you see on tv, with the gas tank on the bank!
Swine flu... oh my gosh, I don't want to die, I'm too young to die, I want to live.

It's just another scare folks! Do you remember the deadly ebola virus or SARS or mad cow disease or the avian flu?

Please get a grip. You'll be grand.
Swine flu... oh my gosh, I don't want to die, I'm too young to die, I want to live.

It's just another scare folks! Do you remember the deadly ebola virus or SARS or mad cow disease or the avian flu?

Please get a grip. You'll be grand.

Seriously are you for real???

People have died from this you know - 150 in mexico, confirmed cases in GB, Spain and the US.
Seriously are you for real???

People have died from this you know - 150 in mexico, confirmed cases in GB, Spain and the US.

Yes, I am. are you?

How many of the 150 actually died of this flu? In the last swine flu scare in America during the 1970's, more people actually died as a result of the vaccination than the actual flu. Thousands more became ill because of the vaccination.

Next you'll be telling me you believe in man mad global warming or climate change or whatever they are calling it these days.

It's just a scare.

The facelets will provide some protection but basically they are limited. The British military experimented with facelets in the 90's for their NBC defence. These were larger than the med ones you see on the news and the findings were that they are great for confidence but no good good at keeping out threats.

As for civil protection all we can do is limit our exposure if there is an outbreak but tests have proved in a pandemic we will all be exposed at some point so it could be a wasted excersise.
Just curious, in light of this Flu in Mexico, is it actually possible to get some sort of masks (general public) that can protect people against these airbourne viruses . .

You'll be fine once you don't live in a slum according to Mick..

[broken link removed]
How many of the 150 actually died of this flu? In the last swine flu scare in America during the 1970's, more people actually died as a result of the vaccination than the actual flu.

But the flu pandemic in the 1920s killed more people than WW1.

I know it's not the same thing but it shows you what is possible.
But the flu pandemic in the 1920s killed more people than WW1.

I know it's not the same thing but it shows you what is possible.

Caveat, no doubt Upthedeise will be frantically googling to counter your post - the usual....
Caveat, no doubt Upthedeise will be frantically googling to counter your post - the usual....

Don't need to google for anything cayne. I say you have it already because your brain seems to be addled

Anyhow, the epidemic in the 1910's is going back over 100 years ago. People weren't as healthy back then as now and they didn't have the medical know how that we have now.

It's all a silly scare. Like second hand smoking causes cancer or asbestos causes cancer.
It's all a silly scare. Like second hand smoking causes cancer or asbestos causes cancer.

I hope and pray that statement is true

BTW the last pandemic - Its true to say that hygene has improved somewhat but so has travel. Those elements could cancel each other out.
Seven people a day are dying in Ireland from smoking related symptoms. - That's over 200 since the Swine flu scare in Mexico started 3 weeks ago.

But this doesn't make good tabloid headline.

Also, the Irish health system, despite its flaws, is a lot better than that of Mexico.

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