Where can I get an aeroplane-type table for cars?


Registered User
As the title suggests I'm looking for a folding table (not dissimilar to the ones you get on a plane) for back seat car passengers, to use on a long journey for much the same reasons that one might use one on a plane. I have definitely seen one once but whenever I ask for it in a shop I get the ubiquitious "huh, if it's not on display we don't have it"


I asked two of my friends who have these fold-up tables. As it turns out, both of these friends drive Scenics (1999 and 2002) - the fold-up tables were features that came as-standard with the car.
Unless such a table was actually fitted to the car as new or approved by the manufacturer it could be dangerous, as unrestrained luggage or other objects in a car will become fast moving projectiles in a crash situation.......choice is yours.
I got one for my young child - it hangs on the back of the front seat and straps around it at the bottom. Lots of pockets for her toys and pencils and a table to draw on. The table isn't VERY stable as it's cardboard covered with plastic. Fastens up with a Velcro strip. It's still in use (7 years on) and it was a cheap buy. I think I bought it in a car shop in Nutgove Shopping Centre.
Gordanus said:
I think I bought it in a car shop in Nutgove Shopping Centre.
You are out of lucck so Queenspawn as the Motor shop in Nutgrove shopping centre has closed down.
Ok well at least I know now that I haven't dreamt it, for that alone thank you. If the motor shop in Churchtown had one then hopefully someone else will have one. I'll keep searching.

Whilst looking on the web for my mythical table I found a mad web site for patents if anyone's interested

Edit (to answer my own question FYI)
I got the info from another source. if nayoone is interested [broken link removed]is what I was on about

Thanks for the input