Where can I get a really large picture frame from?


Registered User
I am looking for a really large picture frame as I want to make a collage of photos of my son, I have looked in the likes of Atlantic and Woodies and they do have large frames but I wanted bigger.
Last I looked Roches Stores had massive clip-frames, up to about size A1. HTH
Arnotts on 3rd floor, in lighting dept., have really nice ash wood frames, biggest is prob. about 30 * 33 inches.
hi witchymand, just an idea recently i made a picture frame out of skirting board that i had left over from doing up my hallway. it was a really long picture that i bought in america and could not find a frame to fit it. i bought the glass and it just cost 10euro. it looks really well u would think it was a proper pic frame
Any framer will make you up a frame of any size you want and it will work out cheeper than buying one in a store
There is a shop in Liffey Street, beside the entrance to Arnotts that frames posters...you might find something in there or they might be able to make something up for you.

If you framed a large picture using skirting board and glass - was the size and therefore weight of the glass not dangerously heavy to hang?

I have a similar predicament, i have a fabulous art poster which is approx 2.5 m x1.5 - worried about weight of glass.

Also where did you buy the glass so cheaply???!!!!