Dear all, I would be very grateful for some information.
An extended family member has extensive buy to let debts and is effectively insolvent. His debts are owed to two banks and repossession is imminent with one of them- however even after repossession and sale this will not come close to clearing his debt with that bank. He is considering bankruptcy in the UK. However he would like to discuss the whole situation with a PIP in Ireland to see if it would be better to work through the dilemma in Ireland.
Where can he find a PIP to look at his case?
So far he has been dealing with the banks by himself but it is getting very stressful.
Also when will the new insolvency process in Ireland really start for people in distress like this? and when it starts will it all be a huge influx and a fair bit of chaos like when that organisation started looking after student grants and were overwhelmed with the volume of requests.? I would be very grateful if you could provide any advice or contacts.
An extended family member has extensive buy to let debts and is effectively insolvent. His debts are owed to two banks and repossession is imminent with one of them- however even after repossession and sale this will not come close to clearing his debt with that bank. He is considering bankruptcy in the UK. However he would like to discuss the whole situation with a PIP in Ireland to see if it would be better to work through the dilemma in Ireland.
Where can he find a PIP to look at his case?
So far he has been dealing with the banks by himself but it is getting very stressful.
Also when will the new insolvency process in Ireland really start for people in distress like this? and when it starts will it all be a huge influx and a fair bit of chaos like when that organisation started looking after student grants and were overwhelmed with the volume of requests.? I would be very grateful if you could provide any advice or contacts.