Seems to me that on the face of things its probably down to cost versus benefit for the banks but Starbuck you do make some interesting points. Surely it aint that difficult for an international bank to establish some sort of a presence in ireland even it were only online (initially) and to tap into the increasing discontent that irish people have with irish banks. Surely there is money to be made in ireland by the Intl does beg the questions why are they not entering the irish market?
To say its down to costs/regulations etc is a cop out....becasue there has to be money to be made if its done in a certain way and regulations should facilitate not hinder them from coming here..
kbc are here though and i bank with them since august and am very happy with them so far....similar to you starbuck i have a strong dislike for aib/boi (not necessarily becasue they cost more, its harder to explain than that, i think of them as just a greedy grave train inefficient organisation and that annoys me - simply dont want to have to deal with them or give them my business).
if you were to consider this question in the context of another industry such as a DIY store or something and if all the DIY stores in ireland were irish bar 1 (kbc) and if globally there were a lot of huge world renowned international diy stores (hsbc, lloyds, bnp, citi, credit agricole, santander, ING deutch bank, danske, etc) you would definitly, as a consumer, want these intl stores to come here from a competiton perspective and you would wonder why they are not if they were not.