Where are our Government Officials?

Zelensky rightly called out Brazil and their left wing leader Lula over his support for putin in his speech. Lula would also be a fellow traveller of Michael d philosophically
At least Lula has been elected! Zelenskyy continues in office beyond his term and refuses to hold elections.

Is there a central website or other resource, to see where our various elected officials are?
Not sure about "elected" officials but I found one of the unelected ones here ->
Yea, you’d swear there was a war going on there or something…
Ah, yes of course. There was no problem holding elections during a civil war in 2019 (on a mandate to achieve peace, instead following the instructions of his U.S. handlers) but conveniently, there is now, bearing in mind that life goes on in all other parts of Ukraine aside from the front line with people turning in for work each day. We know this as we see them being dragged out against their will during their working day by Zelensky's military recruiters. Additionally, he's said that he'll hold elections in 2025, further confirmation that your excuse doesn't hold. Rules-based "democracy" in action as always.

Great to see an official doing their job. Good on him.
Yes, of course. A war criminal should be celebrated if the rules-based democracy set so instruct you.
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