Home When renewing policy ? need to inform of claim in process


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I have never claimed on home insurance. Few weeks ago burst pipe in rented house caused a fair bit of damage. In process of filing claim. Dont know if will be accepted or how much I will get. In meantime renewal is due on second rented property. Am I obliged to disclose that I'm in the process of lodging a claim on another property?
Thanks guys.
Thanks. I have already but wondered if i had shot myself in the foot.

Yea you have to disclose all claims - een on properties that are not necesarly the one for which you are proposing - So be on the safe side and disclsoe it - It matters with some insurers and others can deem it not importnant - but if you didn't diclsoe they would probably pick up on a claims and then you can be sure they'd use the non disclosure card