When is the best time to propose?



Hey all!
When do you think is the best time to propose to your girlfriend or boyfriend? Aside from "when you are ready," is it appropriate to pop the question on just any ordinary day, or is it better to propose on a special day (birthday, anniversary, holiday)? This is only a matter of opinion, and I'm interested in what you all have to say.
If you've proposed before, or have been proposed to, when did it happen?
When it feels right. Don't do it somewhere or sometime for the sake of having a corny story to tell.
I brought my girl from ireland to NY and proposed there.

Married with 2 kids now.
My now husband proposed on the eve of my birthday - many hints had been dropped, so I can't say I was hugely surprised but it was still really romantic He was sweating buckets though, I'm not sure from the effort of proposing or from the uncertainty of my answer (which, believe me, was always going to be 'yes')...

I was going out with my husband for six years so we had talked lots about marriage but I had said I wanted it the proposal to be a surprise. So he proposed on a random friday evening in July! Date did not mean anything to either of us but sure its nice now to have another little special day in the year! It was in our home and was very romantic!
My fiance proposed on top of the sugarloaf. I was in scruffy mucky clothes from hiking and it was freezing but very unexpected and romantic!
I reckon if you arrange a special dinner or trip away it might not be quite as much of a surprise.
My hubby proposed on the saturday evening of a bank holiday weekend (very close to the date we had started going out together), at home, while we were both just relaxing together. It was unexpected and romantic. But as it was a bank holiday weekend we couldnt go ring shopping til the following weekend - so we were bursting out of ourselves with excitement at keeping the secret all that week!!
Random Tuesday evening....who the hell gets engaged on a random Tuesday evening?! 'Twas a massive surprise for her!
On a sat leading to Xmas just gone, nothing special about the day cause I wanted it be a surprise so brought her to Powerscourt Gardens and popped the question. As previous posters have mentioned I also was shaking in my boots and sweating even though I knew deep down the answer would be yes. So now we have lots of fun times ahead planing the wedding.
In the smoking area of the pub on new years eve.

Such a romantic, me! (she said yes btw, the poor girl!)