when does the engineers role end?


Registered User
I employed an engineer to oversee the extension work that was carried out on an old bungalow and agreed a fee from the outset. He was very helpful and called to view as and when required, he stipulated what went into the raft foundations but did express surprise that the builder did not call him before the cement was poured. Anyway he has now sent me his final bill. The work is not finished yet, ie drains not laid, footpaths not done, floors in front extension not poured, soakways not done. My understaing was that he would be there to the death and then sign a completion cert. I have no draw downs.

I want to be satisfied that drains are correct depth, sewers are correct, soakways are in place etc. I mentioned this to him and he said this would cost more!! Surely asking an engineer to over see the work at a cost of 2000 plus vat inlcudes all the bits I have mentioned.


Sorry I could not post back sooner, I got a written quote at start and it was broken down into

a) design and drawing information

three entries

b) Periodic inspections during construction
and it stated
1. open foundations to new structure
2. constrcuction of raft/slab prior to pouring concrete
3. periodic visits as required
4. Cert of compliance will be isssued upon compeltion of the project.

I/2/3/ have taken place but have now ceased!! The floors to the new extensions are not complete yet, ie still waiting for insulation etc. No drains have been dug or footpaths prepared or soakways made.

I want to be satisfied that drains are correct depth, proper fall, right size of pipes used, siting of manholes, and hook up to main sewer. I was under the impression that if 4 has to be done then engineer has to see those items I mention are correct and I thought I would get my final bill AFTER all the work was complete. He has now issued a reminder for bill!! I did ring hm and mention that I wanted him to keep an eye on rest of project but he said I am abroad now and may pop in when I get back!!

Do I have to get another engineer to check drains etc???

Without the cert you are wasting your money. You could have got anyone to oversee the works. IS he going to take the easy way (for him) and issue a cert without seeing the rest of the job? If hes abroad is he going to keep up his PI insurance?
thanks all, I have emailed him and told him he is not getting paid and pointed out that the builder is expectiing him to make a few more visits before work is complete.

Ah well c'est la vie as they say.

I would suggest that this engineer has considerably underpriced his work. 2k should get you about 3 days of his time. Preparing drawings at a minimum would probably take a minimum 2 days so maybe 2 site visits after this for that money would be reasonable. His fault for not pitching his fee correctly. He certainly needs to make a final inspection in order to certify the construction.
It would seem however that the scope of works did not include what you are now asking him to do. Sit down and have a friendly chat with him about what you now require in addition to that and agree on a fee.

I'd say that the drains are important, but pouring of screed on floors is not really something that needs to be supervised by an engineer. The raft and foundations are the main thing.
Thanks all, here is an update.

I am hoping that people will read what I am posting and in some way it will help them with similar projects. I got an architect to draw up all the plans for the work and I also got construction plans done by the architect. these plans detailed everything, and I mean everything, that was required to be done. It specifically stated that the builder had to make provision for connection to the main sewer and I explained to each builder that I met exactly what this meant.

When I met with the engineer I had with me all these plans and I explained to him what I wanted him to do ie supervise the project from beginning to end and the brief was as per the construction plans. I was obiviously pickng up bits about house building as I went along and I had my eyes opened by the paucity of information that was provided by my original house survey carried out by a recommended person this is a sample " I think it has a septic tank." or " I think it is on the mains water supply." You could actually see the septic tank at the rear and you can see the stop cocks in the road outside. Anyway. The engineer drew up a few extra plans for the extension at the rear and the side. The one at the rear was to highlight how the join between the old and new roof tiles could be achieved. Why this was done when the archtects plans were perfectly adequate I will never know. The plans for the front were to explain why more demolotion was required and the benefits. These were partially implemented.

When it comes to the drainage I had told hime that I wanted to ensure that proper soakways were made and the the drains were at the correct depths and would work. That was all. The price was agreed and he added on an extra 500 euro as in his words " Job was a liitle more involved." I said the job is yours.

And to be fair he has been excellent form the beginning would visit at short notice and he made suggestions to builder after I pointed out I was not happy.

He has now got a project abroad and is winding up his Irish company and that was the reason he sent me a final invoice ie it was a mistake.

However he is not around to visit so I am hoping he comes back to sort out the final bits.

The bit remaimng is the depths of the drains, I am goimng to post a separate bit on that.

Do you have a trustworthy and experienced builder? Drains are not that hard to do correctly.